To bead or not to bead. This is one of the most fundamental questions in disc golf. While the Judge and Warden from Dynamic Discs each have their own opinion, the Marshal comes to establish peace in this fight. The microbead and slim profile of the Marshal makes for a disc that feels and releases great. With more stability than one would expect from this profile, the Marshal will usher in a new era of confidence and comfort inside the circle.
Speed: 3 Glide: 4 Turn: 0 Fade: 1
This is where it all started. The plastic feel that has been around since the beginning of disc golf. Firm discs with exceptional grip in wet or dry conditions. Easy to throw with a very true flight. There is a reason this blend has had such great staying power, it is great.
Putt & Approach är för ditt korta spel.
Den typiska karaktären av en putter är att den har rund/trubbig(kant) och discen är djup för bra flygbarhet.
Längd 0-40m
Speed: 3.0 Glide: 4.0 Turn: 0.0 Fade: 1.0
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