The Wave is a stable-understable high speed distance driver.
The Wave is best described as a longer Inertia, with a stable-understable flight profile and a responsiveness that makes it useful across the power spectrum. Available in weights 175g – 155g, the Wave is the type of driver that players may bag in two or more weights for shot variety. For the most powerful throws, long gliding turnovers and hyzerflip gut shots are possible with the Wave. For average powered throws the Wave will simply extend a variety of lines, from anhyzers to hyzerflips to headwind-assisted turnovers.
Gyro Flight Chart
The defining characteristic of the Wave is its balance of turn and fade. Its shallow turn is capable of extending lines while its fade is subtle but reliable enough to range and place shots.
High powered throwers will see turn and hyzerflip tendencies from the Wave, while average power throwers may need a headwind assistance or anhyzer release to activate the turning capabilities of the Wave. Beginners will find a useable, yet quite overstable flight in the Wave, due to the high power requirements of wide-rimmed distance drivers.
The Wave is versatile and can perform a number of stable-understable roles.
Class 21mm Distance Drivers Weights 155g - 175g Diameter 21.1cm Rim Width 21mm PDGA Max Weight 175.1g
Distance driver är för de längsta kasten. Distance drivers kräver samtidigt väldigt mycket kraft och rotation för att få de att flyga i sina rätta element och kan därför vara svåra att få att flyga bra.
Den typiska karaktären av en distance driver är att den är väldigt spetsig och platt.