The Photon is a stable-overstable high speed distance driver.
The Photon is best described as a longer Tesla, with power throwers able to achieve some flight extending turn, and all throwers getting a reliable fade. The Photon is naturally headwind resistant but average power throwers can use a headwind to emulate those extended flights of high power throwers.
Gyro Flight Chart
Debuting at the top of our “nerdiest names” list is the Proton Photon, but this model is no joke. Our 21mm Distance Driver class hit the scene at fever pitch for demand of high-speed GYRO® distance drivers, and for powerful throwers, the Photon hits a highly usable sweet spot of stability. With enough power or mitigating wind, the Photon can exhibit a nice flight-extending shallow turnover. Typically the Photon is used for high power straight shots with an ending fade.
Class 21mm Distance Drivers
Weights 135g - 175g
Diameter 21.1cm
Rim Width 21mm
PDGA Max Weight 175.1g
Distance driver är för de längsta kasten. Distance drivers kräver samtidigt väldigt mycket kraft och rotation för att få de att flyga i sina rätta element och kan därför vara svåra att få att flyga bra.
Den typiska karaktären av en distance driver är att den är väldigt spetsig och platt.