Crave Prism Proton - Champions Cup Edition (Pre-Order)

Fairway Driver
Speed: 6.5 | Glide: 5.0 | Turn: -1.0 | Fade: 1.0

Vikt: 155-159g
Rea pris319 kr

Förboka: OBS ingen delleverans om andra discgolf artiklar beställs. Hela ordern skickas när förbokade artiklarna har ankommit till oss.

Presale: No partial delivery if other disc golf
articles are ordered. The entire order is sent when the pre-ordered
items have arrived at us.


PRE-ORDER: Release date is TBA

Pre Order will be shipped the day before releasedate.

Not possible to choose color or weight. If you prefer specific color/weight please write a comment in "order comments" before check out and we will try to match received discs with your wishes.

Stamp color and shade of disc color will vary

Disc Golf is a game for everyone to enjoy - and as Marm O. Set illustrates, even the "Meerkats" out in the wild are game for a few rounds on the course! Coming in on the Prism Proton Crave, a delightfully straight and versatile fairway driver, anyone can enjoy throwing with these guys. Whether it be straight shots, carving up wooded fairways, or besting the wilds of Africa, the Crave can be anything you need it to be, no worries!

The Crave is a straight-stable fairway driver.

The Crave provides controllable straight flights with a great feel and loads of dual-color style. Relative to MVP drivers, the Crave is like a seasoned Servo. The popular “worn workhorse-stable” vibe is achieved with subtle wing contours that also feel great in the hand. The stability, range of weights, and easy throw make the Crave a GYRO® rig staple.

Gyro Flight Chart

The defining characteristic of the Crave is its straight flight and long forward fade.

The Crave responds to power for a bit extra distance and gentle turn at high speed. Its total line is one of the most “locked-on” of the GYRO® enhanced drivers.

During its finishing stage of flight the Crave exhibits a particularly forward drop. It is best suited to long straight neutral-stable shots.

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